Arren Cyganovich analyst CITI

Currently out of the existing stock ratings of Arren Cyganovich, 116 are a HOLD (39.86%), 157 are a BUY (53.95%), 18 are a SELL (6.19%).

Arren Cyganovich

Work Performance Price Targets & Ratings Chart

Analyst Arren Cyganovich, currently employed at CITI, carries an average stock price target met ratio of 73.24% that have a potential upside of 30.6% achieved within 384 days.

Arren Cyganovich’s has documented 599 price targets and ratings displayed on 38 stocks. The coverage is on Financial Services, Consumer Cyclical sectors.

Most recent stock forecast was given on ALLY, Ally Financial at 24-Jun-2024.

Wall Street Analyst Arren Cyganovich

Analyst best performing recommendations are on RKT (ROCKET COMPANIES ).
The best stock recommendation documented was for TRTX (TPG RE FINANCE TRUST) at 3/25/2020. The price target of $4 was fulfilled within 34 days with a profit of $2.32 (138.1%) receiving and performance score of 40.62.

Average potential price target upside

ACT Enact Holdings AINV Apollo Investment Corp ALLY Ally Financial ARCC Ares Capital BPOP Popular BXMT Blackstone Mortgage Trust BXSL Blackstone Secured Lending Fund CGBD Carlyle Secured Lending DFS Discover Financial Services FRC FIRST REP BK SAN FRANCISCO CALIF N HOMB Home BancShares KREF KKR Real Estate Finance Trust LDI Loandepot NAVI Navient Corp NTB Bank of N.T. Butterfield & Son Ltd OMF OneMain Holdings OZK Bank Ozk RKT Rocket Companies  SLM SLM Corp SUNL Sunlight Financial Holdings TRMT Tremont Mortgage Trust TRTX TPG RE Finance Trust VEL Velocity Financial Llc VLY Valley National Bancorp AXP American Express Company CIT CIT Group STL Sterling Bancorp WAL Western Alliance Bancorporation NMIH NMI Holdings COF Capital One Financial TWO Two Harbors Investments Corp GSKY GreenSky SYF Synchrony Financial BCSF Bain Capital Specialty Finance FBP First Bancorp GSBD Goldman Sachs BDC WISH Contextlogic  GLOB Globant SA

Analyst name


Current price target

Potential Upside

Previous price target


Price targets met ratio

Average potential upside

Average Time (Days) For PT To Be Met

Performance score



$1.28 (3.80%)


2 months 14 days ago

8/11 (72.73%)

$3.26 (10.27%)




$7.28 (21.59%)


2 months 20 days ago

3/6 (50%)

$9.14 (28.69%)




$6.28 (18.62%)


3 months 19 days ago

4/5 (80%)

$6.05 (17.82%)




$3.28 (9.73%)


7 months 23 days ago

3/4 (75%)

$5.04 (15.77%)




$1.78 (5.28%)


7 months 23 days ago

5/5 (100%)

$3.54 (11.08%)


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What Year was the first public recommendation made by Arren Cyganovich?

On 2015

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