Charles Duncan analyst CANTOR FITZGERALD

Currently out of the existing stock ratings of Charles Duncan, 389 are a BUY (89.84%), 40 are a HOLD (9.24%), 4 are a SELL (0.92%).

Charles Duncan

Work Performance Price Targets & Ratings Chart

Analyst Charles Duncan, currently employed at CANTOR FITZGERALD, carries an average stock price target met ratio of 46.79% that have a potential upside of 52.71% achieved within 305 days. Previously, Charles Duncan worked at PIPER SANDLER.

Charles Duncan’s has documented 846 price targets and ratings displayed on 58 stocks. The coverage is on Healthcare, Industrials sectors.

Most recent stock forecast was given on BHVN, Biohaven Pharmaceutical Holding Co Ltd at 17-Dec-2024.

Wall Street Analyst Charles Duncan

Analyst best performing recommendations are on INO (INOVIO PHARMACEUTICALS).
The best stock recommendation documented was for INO (INOVIO PHARMACEUTICALS) at 3/3/2020. The price target of $144 was fulfilled within 3 days with a profit of $54.6 (61.07%) receiving and performance score of 203.58.

Average potential price target upside

ACAD ACADIA Pharmaceuticals AVXL Anavex Life Sciences Corp AXSM Axsome Therapeutics BCRX BioCryst Pharmaceuticals BHVN Biohaven Pharmaceutical Holding Co Ltd CARA Cara Therapeutic CLVS Clovis Oncology CMPS Compass Pathways Plc CORT Corcept Therapeutics CPRX Catalyst Pharmaceuticals CYTK Cytokinetics GERN Geron HALO Halozyme Therapeutics INO Inovio Pharmaceuticals ITCI Intracellular Th NBIX Neurocrine Biosciences NVAX Novavax OREX Orexigen Therapeutics PRTA Prothena plc RETA Reata Pharmaceuticals SAVA Cassava Sciences SGMO Sangamo Therapeutics VNDA Vanda Pharmaceuticals VYGR Voyager Therapeutics OTIC Otonomy ACOR Acorda Therapeutics AIMT Aimmune Therapeutics APTX Aptinyx AXON Axon Enterprise LUCD Lucid Diagnostics LUMO Lumos Pharma VXRT Vaxart CLNN Clene SEEL Seelos Therapeutics MRTX Mirati Ther ZYNE Zynerba Pharmaceuticals ADVM Adverum Biotechnologies CERE Cerevel Therapeutics Holdings DNLI Denali Therapeutics STOK Stoke Therapeutics BNOX Bionomics Ltd ADR CTIC CTi Biopharma Corp FENC Fennec Pharmaceuticals KRTX Karuna Therapeutics MRNS Marinus Pharmaceuticals ONTX Onconova Therapeutics OVID Ovid Therapeutics ZSAN Zosano Pharma Corp CRNX Crinetics Pharmaceuticals KALV Kalvista Pharmaceuticals BIVI Biovie CRDL Cardiol Therapeutics HRMY Harmony Biosciences Holdings MNMD Mind Medicine  XENE Xenon Pharmaceuticals CYBN Cybin  ALKS Alkermes Plc ATAI ATAI Life Sciences BV

Analyst name


Current price target

Potential Upside

Previous price target


Price targets met ratio

Average potential upside

Average Time (Days) For PT To Be Met

Performance score



$1.96 (9.78%)


4 days ago

16/21 (76.19%)

$3.51 (18.98%)




$-0.04 (-0.20%)


1 months 12 days ago

5/6 (83.33%)

$1.59 (8.64%)




$6.96 (34.73%)


3 months 8 days ago

7/20 (35%)

$9.8 (56.98%)




$7.96 (39.72%)


3 months 8 days ago

0/5 (0%)

$10.8 (62.79%)


4 months 5 days ago

11/14 (78.57%)

$9.98 (39.89%)


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Which stock is Charles Duncan is most bullish on?

Potential upside of $39.98 has been obtained for NBIX (NEUROCRINE BIOSCIENCES)

Which stock is Charles Duncan is most reserved on?

Potential downside of -$10.15 has been obtained for AXSM (AXSOME THERAPEUTICS)

What Year was the first public recommendation made by Charles Duncan?

On 2009

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