Chris Howerton analyst

Currently out of the existing stock ratings of Chris Howerton, 105 are a BUY (75.54%), 29 are a HOLD (20.86%), 5 are a SELL (3.6%).

Chris Howerton

Work Performance Price Targets & Ratings Chart

Analyst Chris Howerton, carries an average stock price target met ratio of 53.5% that have a potential upside of 33.31% achieved within 171 days. Previously, Chris Howerton worked at JEFFERIES.

Chris Howerton’s has documented 277 price targets and ratings displayed on 41 stocks. The coverage was on the Healthcare sector.

Most recent stock forecast was given on ARDX, Ardelyx at 02-Jan-2025.

Wall Street Analyst Chris Howerton

Analyst best performing recommendations are on PSTI (PLURISTEM).
The best stock recommendation documented was for PSTI (PLURISTEM) at 12/10/2020. The price target of $6 was fulfilled within 1 day with a profit of $0.22 (3.54%) receiving and performance score of 35.37.

Average potential price target upside

ACAD ACADIA Pharmaceuticals AMTI Applied Molecular Transport  AXSM Axsome Therapeutics BTAI BioXcel Therapeutics GMTX Gemini Therapeutics IMMU Immunomedics KRTX Karuna Therapeutics MCRB Seres Therapeutics PSTI Pluristem TGTX TG Therapeutics TXMD TherapeuticsMD VERU Veru VNDA Vanda Pharmaceuticals CARA Cara Therapeutic SPPI Spectrum Pharmaceuticals APLS Apellis Pharmaceuticals ARDX Ardelyx ARNA Arena Pharmaceuticals AVDL Avadel Pharmaceuticals PLC CLDX Celldex Therapeutics EVLO Evelo Biosciences HRMY Harmony Biosciences Holdings IGMS IGM Biosciences MEIP MEI Pharma AVTX Avalo Therapeutics FNCH Finch Therapeutics Group ISEE IVERIC bio LABP Landos Biopharma PNT POINT Biopharma Global TCRT Alaunos Therapeutics ZIOP ZIOPHARM Oncology PRVB Provention Bio KDMN Kadmon Holdings CGEN Compugen CORT Corcept Therapeutics IOBT IO Biotech LQDA Liquidia Technologies MIST Milestone Pharmaceuticals PTGX Protagonist Therapeutics URGN UroGen Pharma Ltd VRDN Viridian Therapeutics

Analyst name


Current price target

Potential Upside

Previous price target


Price targets met ratio

Average potential upside

Average Time (Days) For PT To Be Met

Performance score



$8.4 (42.86%)


4 days ago

25/37 (67.57%)

$8.66 (44.78%)




$7.4 (37.76%)


4 days ago

7/21 (33.33%)

$7.66 (39.61%)




$8.4 (42.86%)


4 days ago

0/6 (0%)

$8.66 (44.78%)



$2.4 (12.24%)


20 days ago

16/21 (76.19%)

$3.51 (18.98%)




$0.4 (2.04%)


2 months ago

5/6 (83.33%)

$1.59 (8.64%)


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Which stock is Chris Howerton is most bullish on?

Potential upside of $2.64 has been obtained for ARDX (ARDELYX)

What Year was the first public recommendation made by Chris Howerton?

On 2014

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