Douglas Harter analyst UBS

Currently out of the existing stock ratings of Douglas Harter, 119 are a BUY (40.48%), 153 are a HOLD (52.04%), 22 are a SELL (7.48%).

Douglas Harter

Work Performance Price Targets & Ratings Chart

Analyst Douglas Harter, currently employed at UBS, carries an average stock price target met ratio of 60.95% that have a potential upside of 42.84% achieved within 273 days. Previously, Douglas Harter worked at CREDIT SUISSE.

Douglas Harter’s has documented 562 price targets and ratings displayed on 40 stocks. The coverage is on Financial Services, Industrials sectors.

Most recent stock forecast was given on LDI, Loandepot at 14-Mar-2025.

Wall Street Analyst Douglas Harter

Analyst best performing recommendations are on MITT (AG MORTGAGE INVESTMENT TRUST).
The best stock recommendation documented was for CIM (CHIMERA INVESTMENT) at 4/1/2020. The price target of $12.5 was fulfilled within 2 days with a profit of $1.21 (8.83%) receiving and performance score of 44.13.

Average potential price target upside

ACRE Ares Commercial Real Estate AGNC AGNC Investment Corp ANH Anworth Mortgage Asset ARR ARMOUR Residential REIT CIM Chimera Investment COOP Mr. Cooper Group CWK Cushman & Wakefield plc DX Dynex Capital EPRT Essential Properties Realty Trust ESNT Essent Group Ltd HMPT Home Point Capital IVR Invesco Mortgage Capital MFA MFA Financial NLY Annaly Capital Management NRZ New Residential Investment Corp PFSI PennyMac Finl Svcs PMT PennyMac Mortgage Investment Trust RWT Redwood Trust STWD Starwood Property Trust FOA Finance of America Companies TWO Two Harbors Investments Corp UWMC UWM Holdings Corp AMH American Homes 4 Rent BXMT Blackstone Mortgage Trust EARN Ellington Residential Mortgage GPMT Granite Point Mortgage Trust INVH Invitation Homes LDI Loandepot NMIH NMI Holdings ACT Enact Holdings ARI Apollo Commercial Real Estate Finance EFC Ellington Financial LLC NYMT New York Mortgage Trust RDN Radian Group RKT Rocket Companies  MITT AG Mortgage Investment Trust MTG MGIC Investment Corp GD General Dynamics CMTG Claros Mortgage Trust RC Ready Capital Corp

Analyst name


Current price target

Potential Upside

Previous price target


Price targets met ratio

Average potential upside

Average Time (Days) For PT To Be Met

Performance score



$0.55 (11.70%)


1 months 5 days ago

3/9 (33.33%)

$0.35 (7.14%)




$0.8 (17.02%)


1 months 17 days ago

4/12 (33.33%)

$0.42 (8.27%)




$0.8 (17.02%)


1 months 17 days ago

3/8 (37.5%)

$0.42 (8.27%)



3 months 21 days ago

0/6 (0%)

$2.96 (34.66%)



$2.3 (48.94%)


6 months 10 days ago

0/3 (0%)

$0.18 (2.64%)

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Which stock is Douglas Harter is most bullish on?

Potential upside of $61.92 has been obtained for GD (GENERAL DYNAMICS)

Which stock is Douglas Harter is most reserved on?

Potential downside of -$7.4 has been obtained for FOA (FINANCE OF AMERICA COMPANIES)

What Year was the first public recommendation made by Douglas Harter?

On 2010

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