Currently out of the existing stock ratings of Jay Mccanless, 165 are a HOLD (46.22%), 181 are a BUY (50.7%), 11 are a SELL (3.08%).

Jay Mccanless

Work Performance Price Targets & Ratings Chart

Analyst Jay Mccanless, currently employed at WEDBUSH, carries an average stock price target met ratio of 72.58% that have a potential upside of 23.86% achieved within 218 days.

Jay Mccanless’s has documented 828 price targets and ratings displayed on 43 stocks. The coverage is on Industrials, Consumer Cyclical, Financial Services, Communication Services, Basic Materials sectors.

Most recent stock forecast was given on RKT, Rocket Companies  at 05-Mar-2025.

Wall Street Analyst Jay Mccanless

Analyst best performing recommendations are on OPEN (OPENDOOR TECHNOLOGIES).
The best stock recommendation documented was for BECN (BEACON ROOFING SUPPLY) at 11/20/2018. The price target of $30 was fulfilled within 1 day with a profit of $1.94 (6.91%) receiving and performance score of 69.14.

Average potential price target upside

AZEK Azek Company BLDR Builders FirstSource BZH Beazer Homes USA CCS Century Communities CVCO Cavco Industries DHI DR Horton DOOR Masonite International Corp GRBK Green Brick Partners HMPT Home Point Capital KBH KB Home LEN Lennar LGIH LGI Homes MDC MDC Holdings MHO M/I Homes MTH Meritage PHM PulteGroup SKY Skyline TMHC Taylor Morn Home TOL Toll Brothers TPH TRI Pointe Homes ZG Zillow Group OPEN Opendoor Technologies RDFN Redfin Corp BECN Beacon Roofing Supply DFH Dream Finders Homes  OPAD Offerpad Solutions ABR Arbor Realty Trust COOP Mr. Cooper Group CXW CoreCivic GEO Geo Group KB KB Financial Group LSEA Landsea Homes Corp RITM Rithm Capital Corp. RKT Rocket Companies  RWT Redwood Trust WD Walker & Dunlop UFPI Ufp Industries LEGH Legacy Housing Corp GHLD Guild Holdings Co PFSI PennyMac Finl Svcs PMT PennyMac Mortgage Investment Trust RC Ready Capital Corp Z Zillow Group Class C

Analyst name


Current price target

Potential Upside

Previous price target


Price targets met ratio

Average potential upside

Average Time (Days) For PT To Be Met

Performance score



$10.75 (24.86%)


1 months 5 days ago

10/11 (90.91%)

$2.96 (5.80%)




$14.75 (34.10%)


1 months 6 days ago

9/12 (75%)

$6.5 (12.62%)




$16.75 (38.73%)


2 months 5 days ago

9/11 (81.82%)

$11.38 (23.41%)




$15.75 (36.42%)


2 months 27 days ago

7/8 (87.5%)

$5.04 (9.34%)




$20.75 (47.98%)


3 months ago

15/18 (83.33%)

$9.24 (16.87%)


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Which stock is Jay Mccanless is most bullish on?

Potential upside of $95.49 has been obtained for BLDR (BUILDERS FIRSTSOURCE)

Which stock is Jay Mccanless is most reserved on?

Potential downside of -$40.32 has been obtained for CVCO (CAVCO INDUSTRIES)

What Year was the first public recommendation made by Jay Mccanless?

On 2013

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