Jim Suva analyst

Currently out of the existing stock ratings of Jim Suva, 71 are a SELL (14.73%), 145 are a HOLD (30.08%), 266 are a BUY (55.19%).

Jim Suva

Work Performance Price Targets & Ratings Chart

Analyst Jim Suva, carries an average stock price target met ratio of 74.91% that have a potential upside of 35.83% achieved within 399 days. Previously, Jim Suva worked at CITI.

Jim Suva’s has documented 889 price targets and ratings displayed on 39 stocks. The coverage was on Technology, Industrials, Energy sectors.

Most recent stock forecast was given on CIEN, Ciena Corp at 13-Dec-2024.

Wall Street Analyst Jim Suva

Analyst best performing recommendations are on GPRO (GOPRO).
The best stock recommendation documented was for GPRO (GOPRO) at 3/16/2020. The price target of $2.5 was fulfilled within 3 days with a profit of $0.49 (24.38%) receiving and performance score of 81.26.

Average potential price target upside

AAPL Apple ANET Arista Networks APH Amphenol CIEN Ciena Corp CLS Celestica CNDT Conduent COMM CommScope Holding Co CRCT Cricut CSCO Cisco Systems DELL Dell Technologies EFII Electronics for Imaging FFIV F5 Networks FLEX Flex Ltd GPRO GoPro HPE Hewlett Packard Enterprise Co HPQ HP IBM International Business Machines INFN Infinera JBL Jabil Circuit JNPR Juniper Networks KEYS Keysight Technologies KRNT Kornit Digital Ltd MSI Motorola Solutions NTAP NetApp SANM Sanmina SNX Synnex ST Sensata Technologies Holding NV STX Seagate Technology PLC TECD Tech Data WDC Western Digital XRX Xerox Corp CDW CDW Corp OWLT Owlet ARW Arrow Electronics AVT Avnet FIT Fitbit MKFG Markforged Holding Corp IREN Iris Energy Ltd NOV NOV

Analyst name


Current price target

Potential Upside

Previous price target


Price targets met ratio

Average potential upside

Average Time (Days) For PT To Be Met

Performance score



$18.16 (7.51%)


30 days ago

108/109 (99.08%)

$24.26 (10.29%)





$33.16 (13.71%)


30 days ago

9/10 (90%)

$39.26 (16.65%)





$52.16 (21.57%)


30 days ago

6/8 (75%)

$58.26 (24.71%)





$33.16 (13.71%)


30 days ago

25/32 (78.13%)

$39.26 (16.65%)





$18.16 (7.51%)


30 days ago

46/55 (83.64%)

$24.26 (10.29%)



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Which stock is Jim Suva is most bullish on?

Potential upside of $18.43 has been obtained for CIEN (CIENA CORP)

What Year was the first public recommendation made by Jim Suva?

On 2008

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