Currently out of the existing stock ratings of Laura Chico, 204 are a BUY (66.89%), 99 are a HOLD (32.46%), 2 are a SELL (0.66%).

Laura Chico

Work Performance Price Targets & Ratings Chart

Analyst Laura Chico, currently employed at WEDBUSH, carries an average stock price target met ratio of 48.25% that have a potential upside of 35.99% achieved within 177 days.

Laura Chico’s has documented 619 price targets and ratings displayed on 40 stocks. The coverage is on the Healthcare sector.

Most recent stock forecast was given on SAGE, Sage Therapeutic at 12-Feb-2025.

Wall Street Analyst Laura Chico

Analyst best performing recommendations are on APLS (APELLIS PHARMACEUTICALS).
The best stock recommendation documented was for DNLI (DENALI THERAPEUTICS) at 11/10/2020. The price target of $64 was fulfilled within 1 day with a profit of $4 (6.67%) receiving and performance score of 66.67.

Average potential price target upside

ACER Acer Therapeutics ALXN Alexion Pharmaceuticals APLS Apellis Pharmaceuticals APTX Aptinyx ARDX Ardelyx BHVN Biohaven Pharmaceutical Holding Co Ltd BIIB Biogen DNLI Denali Therapeutics KRTX Karuna Therapeutics NBIX Neurocrine Biosciences PRAX Praxis Precision Medicines  RARE Ultragenyx RTRX Travere Therapeutics SAGE Sage Therapeutic TSHA Taysha Gene Therapies  TVTX Travere Therapeutics VIE Viela Bio XENE Xenon Pharmaceuticals PRVL Prevail Therapeutics VYGR Voyager Therapeutics DSGN Design Therapeutics IMPL Impel Neuropharma VERA Vera Therapeutics STOK Stoke Therapeutics DOVA Dova Pharmaceuticals MLND Millendo Therapeutics PEPG PepGen Ltd VIGL Vigil Neuroscience VRTX Vertex Pharmaceuticals ATXS Astria Therapeutics PASG Passage Bio BMRN Biomarin Pharmaceutical EWTX Edgewise Therapeutics KDNY Chinook Therapeutics LBPH Longboard Pharmaceuticals PHVS Pharvaris BV RLYB Rallybio Corp VRDN Viridian Therapeutics AVTE Aerovate Therapeutics GOSS Gossamer Bio

Analyst name


Current price target

Potential Upside

Previous price target


Price targets met ratio

Average potential upside

Average Time (Days) For PT To Be Met

Performance score



$0.84 (127.27%)


1 years 5 months 21 days ago

0/3 (0%)

$0.36 (31.58%)



$7.34 (1112.12%)


2 years 11 months 15 days ago

0/2 (0%)

$5.54 (225.20%)



$7.34 (1112.12%)


5 years 7 months 28 days ago

0/4 (0%)

$3.88 (94.17%)

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Which stock is Laura Chico is most bullish on?

Potential upside of $67.67 has been obtained for BIIB (BIOGEN)

Which stock is Laura Chico is most reserved on?

Potential downside of -$23.49 has been obtained for PRAX (PRAXIS PRECISION MEDICINES )

What Year was the first public recommendation made by Laura Chico?

On 2015

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