Madhu Kumar analyst

Currently out of the existing stock ratings of Madhu Kumar, 161 are a BUY (64.14%), 67 are a HOLD (26.69%), 23 are a SELL (9.16%).

Madhu Kumar

Work Performance Price Targets & Ratings Chart

Analyst Madhu Kumar, carries an average stock price target met ratio of 56.88% that have a potential upside of 36.98% achieved within 165 days. Previously, Madhu Kumar worked at GOLDMAN SACHS.

Madhu Kumar’s has documented 470 price targets and ratings displayed on 47 stocks. The coverage was on Healthcare, Consumer Defensive sectors.

Most recent stock forecast was given on DVAX, Dynavax Technologies at 11-Feb-2025.

Wall Street Analyst Madhu Kumar

Analyst best performing recommendations are on CERE (CEREVEL THERAPEUTICS HOLDINGS).
The best stock recommendation documented was for ARWR (ARROWHEAD PHARMACEUTICALS) at 11/25/2019. The price target of $70 was fulfilled within 4 days with a profit of $13.01 (22.83%) receiving and performance score of 57.07.

Average potential price target upside

ABUS Arbutus Biopharma Corp ALNY Alnylam Pharmaceuticals APLS Apellis Pharmaceuticals ARCT Arcturus Therapeutics Holdings ARWR Arrowhead Pharmaceuticals CLVS Clovis Oncology DRNA Dicerna Pharmaceuticals EDIT Editas Medicine IOVA Iovance Biotherapeutics MGTA Magenta Therapeutics NTLA Intellia Therapeutics RGLS Regulus Therapeutics SNDX Syndax Pharmaceuticals APRE Aprea Therapeutics CLLS Cellectis SA KRYS Krystal Biotech PASG Passage Bio GRTS Gritstone Oncology VIR Vir Biotechnology ACHN Achillion Pharmaceuticals ALEC Alector ARVN Arvinas AVEO AVEO Pharmaceuticals CERE Cerevel Therapeutics Holdings DVAX Dynavax Technologies EWTX Edgewise Therapeutics FIXX Homology Medicines MGEN Viridian Therapeutics RETA Reata Pharmaceuticals APLT Applied Therapeutics HZNP Horizon Pharma PLC JAZZ Jazz Pharmaceuticals PLC SBPH Spring Bank Pharmaceuticals TCDA Tricida CYTK Cytokinetics FULC Fulcrum Therapeutics ALNA Allena Pharmaceuticals ASMB Assembly Biosciences BOLD Audentes Therapeutics EIGR Eiger Biopharmaceuticals MDCO The Medicines Company ONCE Spark Therapeutics QURE Uniqure NV TTPH Tetraphase Pharmaceuticals INFA Informatica MYOV Myovant Sciences Ltd UTZ Utz Brands

Analyst name


Current price target

Potential Upside

Previous price target


Price targets met ratio

Average potential upside

Average Time (Days) For PT To Be Met

Performance score



$1.55 (44.93%)


1 months 10 days ago

0/17 (0%)

$1.79 (55.76%)



$1.55 (44.93%)


3 months 11 days ago

4/11 (36.36%)

$1.56 (45.35%)




$1.55 (44.93%)


7 months 1 days ago

2/6 (33.33%)

$1.26 (33.69%)




$2.08 (71.23%)

3 years 1 months 2 days ago

0/1 (0%)

$2.11 (73.01%)



3 years 8 months 3 days ago

0/4 (0%)

$3.7 (112.12%)

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Which stock is Madhu Kumar is most bullish on?

Potential upside of $-0.82 has been obtained for DVAX (DYNAVAX TECHNOLOGIES)

What Year was the first public recommendation made by Madhu Kumar?

On 2016

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