Currently out of the existing stock ratings of Nicole Miller Reagan, 4376 are a HOLD (24.9%), 12195 are a BUY (69.4%), 1002 are a SELL (5.7%).

Nicole Miller Reagan

Work Performance Price Targets & Ratings Chart

Analyst Nicole Miller Reagan, carries an average stock price target met ratio of 59.8% that have a potential upside of 19.31% achieved within 177 days. Previously, Nicole Miller Reagan worked at PIPER SANDLER.

Nicole Miller Reagan’s has documented 907 price targets and ratings displayed on 32 stocks. The coverage was on Consumer Cyclical, Consumer Defensive, Financial Services, Communication Services sectors.

Most recent stock forecast was given on PLAY, Dave & Buster’s Entertainment at 05-Oct-2022.

Wall Street Analyst Nicole Miller Reagan

Analyst best performing recommendations are on RUTH (RUTH'S HOSPITALITY GROUP).
The best stock recommendation documented was for RUTH (RUTH'S HOSPITALITY GROUP) at 6/8/2020. The price target of $10 was fulfilled within 2 days with a profit of $2.7 (21.26%) receiving and performance score of 106.3.

Average potential price target upside

BJRI BJs Restaurants BROS Dutch Bros CAKE The Cheesecake Factory CHEF The Chefs Warehouse CMG Chipotle Mexican Grill DRI Darden Restaurants EAT Brinker International FRGI Fiesta Restaurant Group HRTG Heritage Insurance Hldgs MCD McDonald’s NDLS Noodles mpany PBPB Potbelly Co PGR Progressive Corp PLAY Dave & Buster’s Entertainment PNRA Panera Bread Company RUTH Ruth's Hospitality Group SBUX Starbucks SHAK Shake Shack STKS One Group Hospitality SYY Sysco TACO Del Taco Restaurants WING Wingstop ZOES Zoe's Kitchen HABT The Habit Restaurants SONC Sonic Corp PFGC Performance Food Group Co QSR Restaurant Brands International PTLO Portillo's DNKN Dunkin' Brands Group FWRG First Watch Restaurant Group USFD US Foods Holding Corp WEN The Wendy’s Co

Analyst name


Current price target

Potential Upside

Previous price target


Price targets met ratio

Average potential upside

Average Time (Days) For PT To Be Met

Performance score



$9.87 (25.89%)


10 days ago

22/35 (62.86%)

$9.95 (26.15%)




$-2.13 (-5.59%)


1 months 23 days ago

1/2 (50%)

$0.69 (1.95%)




$-2.13 (-5.59%)


3 months 27 days ago

5/7 (71.43%)

$2.56 (7.66%)




7 months 5 days ago

2/6 (33.33%)

$10.32 (29.76%)




$1.87 (4.90%)


7 months 14 days ago

6/7 (85.71%)

$2.77 (7.44%)


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What Year was the first public recommendation made by Nicole Miller Reagan?

On 2009

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