Patrick B Donnelly analyst CITI

Currently out of the existing stock ratings of Patrick B Donnelly, 4586 are a HOLD (37.53%), 7266 are a BUY (59.46%), 368 are a SELL (3.01%).

Patrick B Donnelly

Work Performance Price Targets & Ratings Chart

Analyst Patrick B Donnelly, currently employed at CITI, carries an average stock price target met ratio of 66.49% that have a potential upside of 13.52% achieved within 99 days. Previously, Patrick B Donnelly worked at GOLDMAN SACHS.

Patrick B Donnelly’s has documented 484 price targets and ratings displayed on 30 stocks. The coverage is on Healthcare, Basic Materials sectors.

Most recent stock forecast was given on QGEN, Qiagen NV at 09-Nov-2022.

Wall Street Analyst Patrick B Donnelly

Analyst best performing recommendations are on TXG (10X GENOMICS).
The best stock recommendation documented was for TXG (10X GENOMICS) at 1/7/2020. The price target of $100 was fulfilled within 17 days with a profit of $24.02 (31.61%) receiving and performance score of 18.6.

Average potential price target upside

A Agilent Technologies AVTR Avantor BIO Bio-Rad Laboratories BRKR Bruker CRL Charles River Laboratories DHR Danaher EXAS EXACT Sciences GH Guardant Health HOLX Hologic ICLR ICON PLC ILMN Illumina IQV IQVIA Holdings MTD Mettler-Toledo International OSUR OraSure Technologies PKI PerkinElmer PPD PPD PSNL Personalis SHC Sotera Health Co STVN Stevanato Group SpA SYNH Syneos Health TECH Bio-Techne Corp TMO Thermo Fisher Scientific TXG 10X Genomics WAT Waters LH Laboratory of America Holdings OCDX Ortho Clinical Diagnostics Holdings plc QGEN Qiagen NV MYGN Myriad Genetics DGX Quest Diagnostics TX Ternium SA ADR

Analyst name


Current price target

Potential Upside

Previous price target


Price targets met ratio

Average potential upside

Average Time (Days) For PT To Be Met

Performance score



$31.08 (24.30%)


4 days ago

9/15 (60%)

$31.92 (25.12%)




$17.08 (13.35%)


21 days ago

9/12 (75%)

$1.31 (0.91%)




$22.08 (17.26%)


2 months 18 days ago

8/8 (100%)

$11.26 (8.12%)




$27.08 (21.17%)


2 months 22 days ago

14/18 (77.78%)

$11.27 (7.84%)




$32.08 (25.08%)


3 months 5 days ago

0/2 (0%)

$25.88 (19.30%)

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What Year was the first public recommendation made by Patrick B Donnelly?

On 2017

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