Philip Winslow analyst

Currently out of the existing stock ratings of Philip Winslow, 31 are a HOLD (16.49%), 148 are a BUY (78.72%), 9 are a SELL (4.79%).

Philip Winslow

Work Performance Price Targets & Ratings Chart

Analyst Philip Winslow, carries an average stock price target met ratio of 69.62% that have a potential upside of 24.13% achieved within 253 days. Previously, Philip Winslow worked at CREDIT SUISSE.

Philip Winslow’s has documented 410 price targets and ratings displayed on 30 stocks. The coverage was on the Technology sector.

Most recent stock forecast was given on INFA, Informatica at 04-Aug-2023.

Wall Street Analyst Philip Winslow

Analyst best performing recommendations are on ZM (ZOOM VIDEO COMMUNICATIONS).
The best stock recommendation documented was for ZM (ZOOM VIDEO COMMUNICATIONS) at 9/1/2020. The price target of $375 was fulfilled within 3 days with a profit of $82.69 (18.07%) receiving and performance score of 60.22.

Average potential price target upside

ADBE Adobe Systems ADSK Autodesk BOX Box CRM MSFT Microsoft NOW ServiceNow ORCL Oracle QLYS Qualys SPLK Splunk TDC Teradata Corp VMW VMware WDAY Workday ZEN Zendesk CHKP Check Point Software Technologies Ltd CTXS Citrix Systems DELL Dell Technologies NET Cloudflare PANW Palo Alto Networks PATH Uipath CFLT Confluent ZM Zoom Video Communications MDB MongoDB INFA Informatica MDLA Medallia PING Ping Identity Holding Corp SNOW Snowflake ZETA Zeta Global Holdings Corp ZI ZoomInfo Technologies ZS Zscaler SAP SAP SE ADR

Analyst name


Current price target

Potential Upside

Previous price target


Price targets met ratio

Average potential upside

Average Time (Days) For PT To Be Met

Performance score



6 days ago

3/3 (100%)

$12.16 (3.22%)



7 days ago

4/4 (100%)

$32.49 (18.30%)




$42.74 (11.04%)


13 days ago

13/18 (72.22%)

$35.26 (8.93%)




$212.74 (54.93%)


14 days ago

24/34 (70.59%)

$222.16 (58.80%)




$162.74 (42.02%)


14 days ago

6/12 (50%)

$172.16 (45.56%)


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What Year was the first public recommendation made by Philip Winslow?

On 2008

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