Currently out of the existing stock ratings of Raghuram Selvaraju, 918 are a BUY (93.01%), 66 are a HOLD (6.69%), 3 are a SELL (0.3%).

Raghuram Selvaraju

Work Performance Price Targets & Ratings Chart

Analyst Raghuram Selvaraju, carries an average stock price target met ratio of 33.51% that have a potential upside of 47.13% achieved within 173 days. Previously, Raghuram Selvaraju worked at HC WAINWRIGHT.

Raghuram Selvaraju’s has documented 1,843 price targets and ratings displayed on 107 stocks. The coverage was on Healthcare, Basic Materials sectors.

Most recent stock forecast was given on RGEN, Repligen at 21-Feb-2025.

Wall Street Analyst Raghuram Selvaraju

Analyst best performing recommendations are on EVOK (EVOKE PHARMA).
The best stock recommendation documented was for EVOK (EVOKE PHARMA) at 7/18/2016. The price target of $288 was fulfilled within 3 days with a profit of $128.16 (30.8%) receiving and performance score of 102.65.

Average potential price target upside

AMRN Amarin PLC BCPC Balchem CHEK Check Cap Ltd CODX Co-Diagnostics CPRX Catalyst Pharmaceuticals ETON Eton Pharmaceuticals EVOK Evoke Pharma INO Inovio Pharmaceuticals RKDA Arcadia Biosciences SRNE Sorrento Therape ABEO Abeona Therapeutics ADMS Adamas Pharmaceuticals AEZS Aeterna Zentaris ANGN Angion Biomedica Corp AQST Aquestive Therapeutics AYLA Ayala Pharmaceuticals  BBI Brickell Biotech BBIO BridgeBio Pharma BTAI BioXcel Therapeutics BWAY Brainsway Ltd CDXC Chromadex Corp CRDF Cardiff Oncology EQ Equillium EVFM Evofem Biosciences GMAB Genmab AS GRTX Galera Therapeutics ITMR Itamar Medical Ltd KZR Kezar Life Sciences OBSV ObsEva SA OMER Omeros ORMP Oramed Pharmaceuticals RDHL Redhill Biopharma Ltd ADXN Addex Therapeutics Ltd TMBR Timber Pharmaceuticals URGN UroGen Pharma Ltd APTX Aptinyx RAPT RAPT Therapeutics SLGL Sol Gel Technologies Ltd SPRO Spero Therapeutics TALS Talaris Therapeutics GANX Gain Therapeutics VRNA Verona Pharma PLC ADR ADMA ADMA Biologics AVXL Anavex Life Sciences Corp RMTI Rockwell Medical SELB Selecta Biosciences RVPH Reviva Pharmaceuticals Holdings KRTX Karuna Therapeutics ENTX Entera Bio Ltd ACRS Aclaris Therapeutics ANVS Annovis Bio  AXSM Axsome Therapeutics COCP Cocrystal Pharma ENLV Enlivex Therapeutics Ltd FENC Fennec Pharmaceuticals INDP Indaptus Therapeutics INM InMed Pharmaceuticals MLTX MoonLake Immunotherapeutics ONCT Oncternal Therapeutics PRVB Provention Bio SPRB Spruce Biosciences  STML Stemline Therapeutics TARO Taro Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd ENSC Ensysce Biosciences GLTO Galecto  TRDA Entrada Therapeutics AADI Aadi Bioscience ACOR Acorda Therapeutics BHC Bausch Health Companies BNTX BioNTech SE CDNA Caredx CELC Celcuity LLC CLBS Caladrius Biosciences CRMD CorMedix PLX Protalix Biotherapeutics REPL Replimune Group RGEN Repligen RGLS Regulus Therapeutics RVMD Revolution Medicines IMMU Immunomedics IMUX Immunic IRWD Ironwood Pharmaceuticals KALA Kala Pharmaceuticals SRTS Sensus Healthcare SWTX SpringWorks Therapeutics SYBX Synlogic TCRR Tcr2 Therapeutics OCUL Ocular Therapeutix ORIC Oric Pharmaceuticals  VIE Viela Bio VYNT Vyant Bio XRAY Dentsply Sirona NBSE NeuBase Therapeutics NCNA NuCana PLC LGVN Longeveron LLC PCSA Processa Pharmaceuticals BDTX Black Diamond Therapeutics BLFS BioLife Solutions EBS Emergent Biosolutions EYEN Eyenovia EYPT Eyepoint Pharmaceuticals FATE Fate Therapeutics HOTH Hoth Therapeutics LABP Landos Biopharma PYPD PolyPid RYTM Rhythm Pharmaceuticals SLNO Soleno Therapeutics

Analyst name


Current price target

Potential Upside

Previous price target


Price targets met ratio

Average potential upside

Average Time (Days) For PT To Be Met

Performance score


1 years 3 months 7 days ago

1/3 (33.33%)

$-0.04 (-0.99%)




$-0.07 (-6.54%)


1 years 4 months 2 days ago

4/21 (19.05%)

$0.29 (40.85%)




$-0.07 (-6.54%)


1 years 7 months 8 days ago

8/11 (72.73%)

$-0.08 (-7.41%)




$0.18 (16.82%)


1 years 7 months 8 days ago

2/5 (40%)

$0.17 (15.74%)




2 years 8 months 5 days ago

13/47 (27.66%)

$6.81 (213.48%)


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Which stock is Raghuram Selvaraju is most bullish on?

Potential upside of $62.25 has been obtained for AXSM (AXSOME THERAPEUTICS)

Which stock is Raghuram Selvaraju is most reserved on?

Potential downside of -$7.96 has been obtained for VRNA (VERONA PHARMA PLC ADR)

What Year was the first public recommendation made by Raghuram Selvaraju?

On 2012

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