Scott Hanold analyst RBC

Currently out of the existing stock ratings of Scott Hanold, 104 are a HOLD (36.75%), 179 are a BUY (63.25%).

Scott Hanold

Work Performance Price Targets & Ratings Chart

Analyst Scott Hanold, currently employed at RBC, carries an average stock price target met ratio of 49.53% that have a potential upside of 45.79% achieved within 318 days.

Scott Hanold’s has documented 534 price targets and ratings displayed on 26 stocks. The coverage is on the Energy sector.

Most recent stock forecast was given on NOG, Northern Oil & Gas at 13-Feb-2025.

Wall Street Analyst Scott Hanold

Analyst best performing recommendations are on ROCC (RANGER OIL CORP).
The best stock recommendation documented was for SM (SM ENERGY CO) at 2/22/2021. The price target of $18 was fulfilled within 18 days with a profit of $5.18 (40.41%) receiving and performance score of 22.45.

Average potential price target upside

APA APA CDEV Centennial Resource Development CHK Chesapeake Energy Corp COP ConocoPhillips CPE Callon Petroleum Company CRC California Resources Corp CXO Concho Resources DVN Devon Energy EOG EOG Resources EQT EQT FANG Diamondback Energy MRO Marathon Oil MTDR Matador Resources Company OAS Oasis Petroleum ROCC Ranger Oil Corp SWN Southwestern Energy Company CLR Continental Resources NOG Northern Oil & Gas PE Parsley Energy PXD Pioneer Natural Resources Co RRC Range Resources Corp CHRD Chord Energy Corp ESTE Earthstone Energy SM SM Energy Co JAG Jagged Peak Energy CIVI Civitas Resources

Analyst name


Current price target

Potential Upside

Previous price target


Price targets met ratio

Average potential upside

Average Time (Days) For PT To Be Met

Performance score



$11.3 (54.59%)


1 months 7 days ago

2/16 (12.5%)

$8.49 (36.11%)




$24.3 (117.39%)


1 months 7 days ago

5/18 (27.78%)

$21.49 (91.41%)




$1.3 (6.28%)


1 months 27 days ago

7/7 (100%)

$-1.17 (-5.05%)




$4.3 (20.77%)


2 months 13 days ago

1/9 (11.11%)

$4.17 (20.02%)




$2.3 (11.11%)


2 months 13 days ago

8/21 (38.1%)

$2.17 (10.42%)


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Which stock is Scott Hanold is most bullish on?

Potential upside of $65.7 has been obtained for CHRD (CHORD ENERGY CORP)

Which stock is Scott Hanold is most reserved on?

Potential downside of $0.83 has been obtained for EQT (EQT)

What Year was the first public recommendation made by Scott Hanold?

On 2008

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