Steve Fleishman analyst WOLFE

Currently out of the existing stock ratings of Steve Fleishman, 63 are a HOLD (45%), 65 are a BUY (46.43%), 12 are a SELL (8.57%).

Steve Fleishman

Work Performance Price Targets & Ratings Chart

Analyst Steve Fleishman, currently employed at WOLFE, carries an average stock price target met ratio of 70.43% that have a potential upside of 22.67% achieved within 412 days.

Steve Fleishman’s has documented 279 price targets and ratings displayed on 48 stocks. The coverage is on Utilities, Energy, Technology, Industrials sectors.

Most recent stock forecast was given on SO, Southern Company at 02-Aug-2024.

Wall Street Analyst Steve Fleishman

Analyst best performing recommendations are on OKE (ONEOK).
The best stock recommendation documented was for PLUG (PLUG POWER) at 10/15/2021. The price target of $42 was fulfilled within 27 days with a profit of $10.76 (34.44%) receiving and performance score of 12.76.

Average potential price target upside

D Dominion Energy DTE DTE Energy Company ENB Enbridge EVRG Evergy Common Stock FE FirstEnergy FSLR First Solar LNG Cheniere Energy LNT Alliant Energy Corp MMP Magellan Midstream Partners LP NI NiSource NOVA Sunnova Energy International NRG NRG Energy PAA Plains All American Pipeline LP PCG PG&E Corp PEG Public Service Enterprise Group PLUG Plug Power PNW Pinnacle West Capital Corp RUN Sunrun SO Southern Company WEC WEC Energy Group ENPH Enphase Energy ES Eversource Energy FTS Fortis OKE ONEOK AES The AES BE Bloom Energy Corp CWEN Clearway Energy Class C FLNC Fluence Energy KMI Kinder Morgan PPL PPL STEM Stem XEL Xcel Energy EPD Enterprise Products Partners LP ETRN Equitrans Midstream Corp AEE Ameren Corp AWK American Water Works ET Energy Transfer LP EXC Exelon POR Portland General Electric Co TRP TC Energy Corp CNP CenterPoint Energy ETR Entergy SRE Sempra Energy SEDG SolarEdge Technologies VST Vistra Energy Corp ARRY Array Technologies  NEE Nextera Energy EIX Edison International

Analyst name


Current price target

Potential Upside

Previous price target


Price targets met ratio

Average potential upside

Average Time (Days) For PT To Be Met

Performance score



$4.38 (7.74%)


2 months 19 days ago

5/8 (62.5%)

$7.17 (13.32%)




3 months 1 days ago

5/19 (26.32%)

$5.77 (13.05%)




$2.38 (4.20%)


3 months 27 days ago

9/14 (64.29%)

$2.02 (3.55%)




$1.38 (2.44%)


4 months 16 days ago

5/8 (62.5%)

$1.03 (1.81%)




$0.38 (0.67%)


6 months 19 days ago

6/10 (60%)

$3.54 (6.62%)


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What Year was the first public recommendation made by Steve Fleishman?

On 2016

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