Theresa Chen analyst BARCLAYS

Currently out of the existing stock ratings of Theresa Chen, 134 are a BUY (52.96%), 90 are a HOLD (35.57%), 29 are a SELL (11.46%).

Theresa Chen

Work Performance Price Targets & Ratings Chart

Analyst Theresa Chen, currently employed at BARCLAYS, carries an average stock price target met ratio of 79.16% that have a potential upside of 22.05% achieved within 204 days.

Theresa Chen’s has documented 517 price targets and ratings displayed on 35 stocks. The coverage is on Energy, Utilities, Financial Services sectors.

Most recent stock forecast was given on SUN, Sunoco LP at 28-Mar-2025.

Wall Street Analyst Theresa Chen

Analyst best performing recommendations are on NFE (NEW FORTRESS ENERGY LLC).
The best stock recommendation documented was for DINO (HF SINCLAIR CORP) at 10/7/2024. The price target of $44 was fulfilled within 1 day with a profit of $2.22 (4.8%) receiving and performance score of 48.03.

Average potential price target upside

DK Delek US Energy GEL Genesis Energy LP HEP Holly Energy Partners LP HFC HollyFrontier MPC Marathon Petroleum Corp PBF PBF Energy PSX Phillips 66 SHLX Shell Midstream Partners LP SUN Sunoco LP VLO Valero Energy GLOP Gaslog Partners LP HMLP Hoegh LNG Partners LP MPLX MPLX LP NS NuStar Energy LP PAGP Plains GP Holdings LP DCP DCP Midstream LP DINO HF Sinclair Corp DTM DT Midstream ET Energy Transfer LP KMI Kinder Morgan LNG Cheniere Energy MMP Magellan Midstream Partners LP NFE New Fortress Energy LLC OKE ONEOK TRGP Targa Resources WES Western Midstream Partners LP PAA Plains All American Pipeline LP UGI UGI TRP TC Energy Corp EQH Axa Equitable Holdings EPD Enterprise Products Partners LP CQP Cheniere Energy Partners LP KNTK Kinetik Holdings LB L Brands WMB Williams Companies

Analyst name


Current price target

Potential Upside

Previous price target


Price targets met ratio

Average potential upside

Average Time (Days) For PT To Be Met

Performance score



$0.35 (2.24%)


9 days ago

23/34 (67.65%)

$-0.94 (-5.55%)




$1.35 (8.63%)


23 days ago

15/24 (62.5%)

$2.74 (19.21%)



2 months 27 days ago

8/9 (88.89%)

$3.53 (12.40%)




$9.35 (59.74%)


3 months 14 days ago

6/11 (54.55%)

$8.48 (51.33%)




$6.35 (40.58%)


3 months 20 days ago

6/8 (75%)

$3.64 (19.83%)


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Which stock is Theresa Chen is most bullish on?

Potential upside of $26.77 has been obtained for LNG (CHENIERE ENERGY)

Which stock is Theresa Chen is most reserved on?

Potential downside of -$13.19 has been obtained for WMB (WILLIAMS COMPANIES)

What Year was the first public recommendation made by Theresa Chen?

On 2017

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