Seeing Is Believing
Currently out of the existing stock ratings of Thomas Boyes, 24 are a BUY (85.71%), 4 are a HOLD (14.29%).
Analyst Thomas Boyes, currently employed at TD COWEN, carries an average stock price target met ratio of 51.31% that have a potential upside of 53.05% achieved within 61 days. Previously, Thomas Boyes worked at COWEN.
Thomas Boyes’s has documented 49 price targets and ratings displayed on 6 stocks. The coverage is on Basic Materials, Industrials sectors.
Most recent stock forecast was given on DNMR, Danimer Scientific at 20-Nov-2024.
Analyst best performing recommendations are on DNMR (DANIMER SCIENTIFIC).
The best stock recommendation documented was for DNMR (DANIMER SCIENTIFIC) at 11/20/2024. The price target of $5.5 was fulfilled within 1 day with a profit of $0.21 (3.68%) receiving and performance score of 36.78.
Average potential price target upside
Analyst name
Current price target
Potential Upside
Previous price target
Price targets met ratio
Average potential upside
Average Time (Days) For PT To Be Met
Performance score
$1.14 (83.82%)
3 months 18 days ago
2/5 (40%)
$1.07 (74.83%)
$0.64 (47.06%)
6 months 23 days ago
1/2 (50%)
$1.08 (117.39%)
$1.64 (120.59%)
10 months 1 days ago
1/3 (33.33%)
$1.73 (136.22%)
10 months 23 days ago
0/5 (0%)
$5.36 (326.83%)
$0.39 (28.68%)
1 years 10 months 12 days ago
8/8 (100%)
$0.14 (8.70%)
Which stock is Thomas Boyes is most bullish on?
Which stock is Thomas Boyes is most reserved on?
What Year was the first public recommendation made by Thomas Boyes?