Currently out of the existing stock ratings of Todd Brooks, 117 are a BUY (87.97%), 16 are a HOLD (12.03%).

Todd Brooks

Work Performance Price Targets & Ratings Chart

Analyst Todd Brooks, currently employed at BENCHMARK, carries an average stock price target met ratio of 33.92% that have a potential upside of 16.3% achieved within 151 days.

Todd Brooks’s has documented 250 price targets and ratings displayed on 24 stocks. The coverage is on Consumer Cyclical, Consumer Defensive, Industrials sectors.

Most recent stock forecast was given on DPZ, Domino’s Pizza at 25-Feb-2025.

Wall Street Analyst Todd Brooks

Analyst best performing recommendations are on MIDD (MIDDLEBY CORP).
The best stock recommendation documented was for MIDD (MIDDLEBY CORP) at 6/2/2020. The price target of $86 was fulfilled within 3 days with a profit of $13.72 (18.98%) receiving and performance score of 63.27.

Average potential price target upside

CBRL Cracker Barrel Old Country Store CHEF The Chefs Warehouse LANC Lancaster Colony RRGB Red Robin Gourmet Burgers RUTH Ruth's Hospitality Group TACO Del Taco Restaurants BJRI BJs Restaurants CHUY Chuy's Holdings DENN Denny’s Corp DIN Dine Brands Global DPZ Domino’s Pizza JJSF J & J Snack Foods Corp LOCO El Pollo Loco Holdings NDLS Noodles mpany PZZA Papa John's International RVAC Riverview Acquisition Corp WING Wingstop MIDD Middleby Corp DNUT Krispy Kreme KRUS Kura Sushi USA WBT Welbilt PBPB Potbelly Co FWRG First Watch Restaurant Group WEST Westrock Coffee Company

Analyst name


Current price target

Potential Upside

Previous price target


Price targets met ratio

Average potential upside

Average Time (Days) For PT To Be Met

Performance score



$5.71 (12.61%)


1 months 15 days ago

20/43 (46.51%)

$-5.66 (-9.99%)




$7.71 (17.02%)


2 months 26 days ago

7/12 (58.33%)

$2.16 (4.25%)




$9.71 (21.44%)


2 months 26 days ago

3/6 (50%)

$4.16 (8.18%)




$12.71 (28.06%)


2 months 26 days ago

8/11 (72.73%)

$7.16 (14.08%)




$14.71 (32.48%)


2 months 26 days ago

4/6 (66.67%)

$9.16 (18.02%)


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Which stock is Todd Brooks is most bullish on?

Potential upside of $90.22 has been obtained for WING (WINGSTOP)

Which stock is Todd Brooks is most reserved on?

Potential downside of -$0 has been obtained for LANC (LANCASTER COLONY)

What Year was the first public recommendation made by Todd Brooks?

On 2019

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