Tom Forte analyst MAXIM GROUP

Currently out of the existing stock ratings of Tom Forte, 36 are a HOLD (10.29%), 309 are a BUY (88.29%), 5 are a SELL (1.43%).

Tom Forte

Work Performance Price Targets & Ratings Chart

Analyst Tom Forte, currently employed at MAXIM GROUP, carries an average stock price target met ratio of 60.46% that have a potential upside of 41.31% achieved within 191 days. Previously, Tom Forte worked at D.A. DAVIDSON.

Tom Forte’s has documented 698 price targets and ratings displayed on 29 stocks. The coverage is on Technology, Consumer Cyclical, Communication Services sectors.

Most recent stock forecast was given on LOVE, The Lovesac Company at 12-Dec-2024.

Wall Street Analyst Tom Forte

Analyst best performing recommendations are on CSSE (CHICKEN SOUP FOR THE SOUL ENTERTAINMENT).
The best stock recommendation documented was for LOVE (THE LOVESAC COMPANY) at 4/9/2020. The price target of $16 was fulfilled within 32 days with a profit of $10.24 (177.78%) receiving and performance score of 55.56.

Average potential price target upside

AAPL Apple AMZN CRSR Corsair Gaming  CSSE Chicken Soup for the Soul Entertainment CURI Curiositystream ETSY Etsy FIT Fitbit GRPN Groupon HEAR Turtle Beach Corp LOGI Logitech International SA LOVE The Lovesac Company OSTK Overstockcom PINS Pinterest ROKU Roku SHOP Shopify SONO Sonos W Wayfair YELP Yelp ZAGG ZAGG AMRK Amark Preci JWN Nordstrom ATER Aterian ECOM ChannelAdvisor Corp SST System1 GRUB GrubHub IMBI iMedia Brands QRTEA Qurate Retail Series A SEAT Vivid Seats PRTS CarParts.Com

Analyst name


Current price target

Potential Upside

Previous price target


Price targets met ratio

Average potential upside

Average Time (Days) For PT To Be Met

Performance score



$85.93 (35.94%)


10 days ago

136/144 (94.44%)

$86.97 (36.54%)





$20.93 (8.75%)


1 months 10 days ago

108/109 (99.08%)

$24.26 (10.29%)





$35.93 (15.03%)


1 months 10 days ago

9/10 (90%)

$39.26 (16.65%)





$54.93 (22.98%)


1 months 10 days ago

6/8 (75%)

$58.26 (24.71%)





$35.93 (15.03%)


1 months 10 days ago

25/32 (78.13%)

$39.26 (16.65%)



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Which stock is Tom Forte is most bullish on?

Potential upside of $60.75 has been obtained for AMZN (AMAZON.COM)

Which stock is Tom Forte is most reserved on?

Potential downside of -$24.07 has been obtained for AAPL (APPLE)

What Year was the first public recommendation made by Tom Forte?

On 2014

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