ADSK - Autodesk - Stock Forecast

Technology - Sector
Coverage Profile Stock analysts Price Targets & Ratings Chart Insider Trading

ADSK is currently covered by 22 analysts with an average price target of $291.95. This is a potential upside of $30.32 (11.59%) from yesterday's end of day stock price of $261.63.

Autodesk's activity chart (see below) currently has 648 price targets and 581 ratings on display. The stock rating distribution of ADSK is 23.24% HOLD, 76.06% BUY and 0.7% SELL.

Stock Analyst Price Targets - Review

Analysts average stock forecasts to be materialized ratio is 81.48% with an average time for these price targets to be met of 193.47 days.

Highest price target for ADSK is $385, Lowest price target is $280, average price target is $318.2.

Most recent stock forecast was given by BLAIR ABERNETHY from ROSENBLATT on 28-Feb-2025. First documented stock forecast 31-Mar-2009.

What is Autodesk?

Autodesk is a well-known global provider of 3D design, engineering, and entertainment software and services. Its software solutions cater to various industries, such as architecture, engineering, construction, product design and manufacturing, and media and entertainment. Autodesk provides software solutions to professionals in different industries, helping them optimize their workflows, improve efficiency, and drive innovation.

What made Autodesk famous?

Autodesk is famous for its 3D design, engineering, and entertainment software and services, such as AutoCAD Civil 3D, BIM 360, Fusion 360, Maya, and 3ds Max.

What are the famous products or services of Autodesk?

AutoCAD Civil 3D

It is software used in land development, transportation, and environmental projects. It offers surveying, design, analysis, and documentation capabilities for civil engineering projects. Engineers and designers use it to create and analyze 3D models, design roads and highways, and manage grading and earthwork. It also has features for managing construction documentation such as automated sheet creation and revision tracking.


Fusion 360

A cloud-based tool designed for professionals in the product design and manufacturing industry. It helps users create complex models and simulate manufacturing processes using features such as parametric modeling, assembly modeling, and direct modeling. It includes CAM features for generating toolpaths for CNC machines and simulation features for testing designs before they’re built. Users can access the software from anywhere with an internet connection.

BIM 360

A cloud-based construction management software used by professionals in the architecture, engineering, and construction industries. It helps manage projects from start to finish by providing features for document management, project management, and field management. It also includes tools for collaboration and communication and mobile apps for accessing project information such as plans, drawings, and schedules in the field. BIM 360 improves project collaboration, reduces errors and rework, and increases efficiency.



Autodesk has been successful in selling its products and services directly to customers, as well as through a network of resellers and distributors. The company’s headquarters are in San Rafael, California. Autodesk’s software solutions are widely used by professionals in different industries to design, simulate, and visualize their products and projects.

Currently out of the existing stock ratings of ADSK, 33 are a HOLD (23.24%), 108 are a BUY (76.06%), 1 are a SELL (0.7%).

Analyst name


Current price target

Potential Upside

Previous price target


Price targets met ratio

Average potential upside

Average Time (Days) For PT To Be Met

Performance score



$72.75 (27.22%)


1 months ago

21/28 (75%)

$54.33 (19.02%)




$117.75 (44.06%)


1 months ago

25/30 (83.33%)

$99.33 (34.77%)




$67.75 (25.35%)


1 months ago

24/31 (77.42%)

$49.33 (17.27%)




$92.75 (34.71%)


1 months ago

16/20 (80%)

$74.33 (26.02%)




$82.75 (30.96%)


1 months ago

27/33 (81.82%)

$64.33 (22.52%)


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What is ADSK (Autodesk) average time for price targets to be met?

On average it took 193.47 days on average for the stock forecasts to be realized with a an average price target met ratio 81.48

Which analyst has the current highest performing score on ADSK (Autodesk) with a proven track record?


Which analyst has the most public recommendations on ADSK (Autodesk)?

Weston Twigg has 6 price targets and 7 ratings on ADSK

Which analyst is the currently most bullish on ADSK (Autodesk)?

Keith Weiss with highest potential upside - $117.75

Which analyst is the currently most reserved on ADSK (Autodesk)?

Kirk Adams with lowest potential downside - -$186.25

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