BMRN - Biomarin Pharmaceutical - Stock Forecast

Healthcare - Sector
Coverage Profile Stock analysts Price Targets & Ratings Chart Insider Trading

BMRN is currently covered by 27 analysts with an average price target of $101.03. This is a potential upside of $28.2 (38.72%) from yesterday's end of day stock price of $72.83.

Biomarin Pharmaceutical's activity chart (see below) currently has 460 price targets and 440 ratings on display. The stock rating distribution of BMRN is 64.55% BUY and 35.45% HOLD.

Stock Analyst Price Targets - Review

Analysts average stock forecasts to be materialized ratio is 54.22% with an average time for these price targets to be met of 376.16 days.

Highest price target for BMRN is $126, Lowest price target is $65, average price target is $97.08.

Most recent stock forecast was given by ANDREAS ARGYRIDES from WEDBUSH on 24-Feb-2025.


BioMarin Pharmaceutical . is a biotechnology company that specializes in the development and commercialization of therapies for rare and life-threatening diseases. The company’s main focus is on the development of therapies for patients with genetic disorders.


BioMarin’s commercial products include Vimizim, Naglazyme, Kuvan, Palynziq, Brineura, Voxzogo, and Aldurazyme, which are used for the treatment of various rare diseases such as mucopolysaccharidosis, phenylketonuria, and ceroid lipofuscinosis.

The company is also developing gene therapies for hemophilia A, Hereditary Angioedema, and primary hyperoxaluria.


BioMarin has license and collaboration agreements with other pharmaceutical companies, such as Sarepta Therapeutics, Ares Trading S.A., Catalyst Pharmaceutical Partners., and Asubio Pharma.


BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc. was incorporated in 1996 and is headquartered in San Rafael, California.

Currently out of the existing stock ratings of BMRN, 71 are a BUY (64.55%), 39 are a HOLD (35.45%).

Analyst name


Current price target

Potential Upside

Previous price target


Price targets met ratio

Average potential upside

Average Time (Days) For PT To Be Met

Performance score



$26.76 (37.56%)


1 months 3 days ago

6/7 (85.71%)

$29.75 (43.59%)




$26.76 (37.56%)

1 months 3 days ago

12/13 (92.31%)

$29.75 (43.59%)




$41.76 (58.62%)


1 months 7 days ago

6/10 (60%)

$47.39 (72.23%)




$31.76 (44.58%)


1 months 7 days ago

6/13 (46.15%)

$37.39 (56.99%)




$54.76 (76.87%)


1 months 7 days ago

16/36 (44.44%)

$60.39 (92.04%)


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What is BMRN (Biomarin Pharmaceutical) average time for price targets to be met?

On average it took 376.16 days on average for the stock forecasts to be realized with a an average price target met ratio 54.22

Which analyst has the current highest performing score on BMRN (Biomarin Pharmaceutical) with a proven track record?


Which analyst has the most public recommendations on BMRN (Biomarin Pharmaceutical)?

Eliana Merle works at UBS and has 7 price targets and 5 ratings on BMRN

Which analyst is the currently most bullish on BMRN (Biomarin Pharmaceutical)?

Salveen Richter with highest potential upside - $116.76

Which analyst is the currently most reserved on BMRN (Biomarin Pharmaceutical)?

Joel Beatty with lowest potential downside - -$6.24

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