NTCO - Natura Holding SA - Stock Forecast

Coverage Stock analysts Price Targets & Ratings Chart Insider Trading

NTCO is currently covered by 1 analysts with an average price target of $7.84. This is a potential upside of $1.29 (19.69%) from yesterday's end of day stock price of $6.55.

Natura Holding SA's activity chart (see below) currently has 3 price targets and 4 ratings on display. The stock rating distribution of NTCO is 100% BUY.

Stock Analyst Price Targets - Review

Analysts average stock forecasts to be materialized ratio is 50% with an average time for these price targets to be met of 33 days.

Highest price target for NTCO is $5, Lowest price target is $5, average price target is $7.

Most recent stock forecast was given by JOSEPH GIORDANO from TD COWEN on 25-Oct-2023. First documented stock forecast 15-Jun-2021.

Best performing analysts who are covering NTCO - Natura Holding SA:

Joseph Giordano Stephanie Wissink

Currently out of the existing stock ratings of NTCO, 2 are a BUY (100%).

Analyst name


Current price target

Potential Upside

Previous price target


Price targets met ratio

Average potential upside

Average Time (Days) For PT To Be Met

Performance score



$0.19 (2.79%)


1 years 4 months 23 days ago

2/4 (50%)

$1.93 (38.07%)




$-0.55 (-8.40%)


2 years 8 months 27 days ago

1/2 (50%)

$0.65 (12.15%)


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What is NTCO (Natura Holding SA) average time for price targets to be met?

On average it took 33 days on average for the stock forecasts to be realized with a an average price target met ratio 50

Which analyst has the current highest performing score on NTCO (Natura Holding SA) with a proven track record?


Which analyst has the current lower performing score on NTCO (Natura Holding SA) with a proven track record?


Which analyst has the most public recommendations on NTCO (Natura Holding SA)?

Joseph Giordano works at TD COWEN and has 14 price targets and 7 ratings on NTCO

Which analyst is the currently most bullish on NTCO (Natura Holding SA)?

Joseph Giordano with highest potential upside - $0.19

Which analyst is the currently most reserved on NTCO (Natura Holding SA)?

Stephanie Wissink with lowest potential downside - -$0.55

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