VRSK - Verisk Analytics - Stock Forecast

Industrials - Sector
Coverage Profile Stock analysts Price Targets & Ratings Chart Insider Trading

VRSK is currently covered by 19 analysts with an average price target of $322.38. This is a potential upside of $21.05 (6.99%) from yesterday's end of day stock price of $301.33.

Verisk Analytics's activity chart (see below) currently has 186 price targets and 182 ratings on display. The stock rating distribution of VRSK is 37.7% HOLD and 62.3% BUY.

Stock Analyst Price Targets - Review

Analysts average stock forecasts to be materialized ratio is 86.65% with an average time for these price targets to be met of 181.96 days.

Highest price target for VRSK is $320, Lowest price target is $256, average price target is $276.29.

Most recent stock forecast was given by JEFFREY SILBER from BMO on 27-Feb-2025. First documented stock forecast 28-Jun-2013.


Verisk Analytics is a data analytics and risk assessment company that provides data and analytics services to customers in various industries, including insurance, energy, financial services, healthcare, government, and supply chain.

The company generates revenue primarily through its data and analytics services, which include predictive modeling, data management, and risk assessment.

Revenue Channels

Verisk Analytics has several business segments, including Insurance, Energy and Specialized Markets, and Financial Services.

The Insurance segment

Offers products and services to insurance companies and other organizations that use analytics to make decisions about risk selection and pricing. This segment includes products and services related to property and casualty insurance, life insurance, and healthcare analytics.

The Energy and Specialized Markets segment

Offers data analytics solutions to businesses in the energy industry, including oil and gas, power, and renewables. The segment also includes products and services related to supply chain risk management, environmental health and safety, and financial risk management.

The Financial Services segment

Offers data analytics solutions to financial institutions, including banks, credit unions, and other financial organizations. This segment includes products and services related to credit risk assessment, fraud prevention, and anti-money laundering compliance.

Verisk Analytics also generates revenue through its subsidiaries and joint ventures. For example, the company’s subsidiary, ISO, provides statistical data to the property and casualty insurance industry, and its joint venture, AIR Worldwide, provides catastrophe modeling services to the insurance industry.


Verisk was founded in 1971 and is headquartered since in Jersey City, New Jersey

Currently out of the existing stock ratings of VRSK, 23 are a HOLD (37.7%), 38 are a BUY (62.3%).

Analyst name


Current price target

Potential Upside

Previous price target


Price targets met ratio

Average potential upside

Average Time (Days) For PT To Be Met

Performance score



$0.09 (0.03%)


4 days ago

18/19 (94.74%)

$8.97 (3.11%)




$23.09 (7.78%)


4 days ago

13/15 (86.67%)

$31.97 (11.10%)




$13.09 (4.41%)


1 months 21 days ago

7/9 (77.78%)

$41.37 (15.40%)




$3.09 (1.04%)


1 months 24 days ago

14/16 (87.5%)

$26.48 (9.68%)



$3.09 (1.04%)


2 months 19 days ago

25/27 (92.59%)

$15.09 (5.30%)


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What is VRSK (Verisk Analytics) average time for price targets to be met?

On average it took 181.96 days on average for the stock forecasts to be realized with a an average price target met ratio 86.65

Which analyst has the current highest performing score on VRSK (Verisk Analytics) with a proven track record?


Which analyst has the most public recommendations on VRSK (Verisk Analytics)?

Raimo Lenschow works at BARCLAYS and has 48 price targets and 21 ratings on VRSK

Which analyst is the currently most bullish on VRSK (Verisk Analytics)?

Jeffrey Meuler with highest potential upside - $23.09

Which analyst is the currently most reserved on VRSK (Verisk Analytics)?

Kevin Mcveigh with lowest potential downside - -$109.91

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