Daniel Ives analyst WEDBUSH

Currently out of the existing stock ratings of Daniel Ives, 602 are a BUY (83.96%), 107 are a HOLD (14.92%), 8 are a SELL (1.12%).

Daniel Ives

Work Performance Price Targets & Ratings Chart

Analyst Daniel Ives, currently employed at WEDBUSH, carries an average stock price target met ratio of 63.77% that have a potential upside of 28.71% achieved within 258 days.

Daniel Ives’s has documented 1,658 price targets and ratings displayed on 59 stocks. The coverage is on Technology, Consumer Cyclical, Communication Services, Consumer Discretionary sectors.

Most recent stock forecast was given on TSLA, Tesla at 21-Mar-2025.

Wall Street Analyst Daniel Ives

Analyst best performing recommendations are on TLS (TELOS CORP).
The best stock recommendation documented was for LYFT (LYFT) at 6/3/2020. The price target of $38 was fulfilled within 2 days with a profit of $3.56 (10.34%) receiving and performance score of 51.68.

Average potential price target upside

AAPL Apple AI C3 Ai CGNT Cognyte Software Ltd CLDR Cloudera CRNC Cerence  DOCU DocuSign FTNT Fortinet GM General Motors Company HYZN Hyzon Motors LYFT LYFT MSFT Microsoft MTTR Matterport NICE Nice Ltd ADR NKLA Nikola Corp NUAN Nuance Communications PANW Palo Alto Networks QLYS Qualys RIVN Rivian Automotive SAIL Sailpoint Technologies Holdings TLS Telos Corp TSLA Tesla VMW VMware VRNS Varonis Systems VRNT Verint Systems ZD Ziff Davis ZS Zscaler ADBE Adobe Systems BNFT Benefitfocus CHKP Check Point Software Technologies Ltd CTXS Citrix Systems CYBR CyberArk Software Ltd FEYE Fireeye ORCL Oracle SPLK Splunk TENB Tenable Holdings LICY LiCycle Holdings Corp NLOK NortonLifeLock PFPT Proofpoint FFIE Faraday Future Intelligent Electric TWTR Twitter WEJO Wejo Group Ltd XOS Xos CRM Salesforce.com PEGA Pegasystems SYMC NortonLifeLock UBER Uber Technologies MNDT Mandiant CCSI Consensus Cloud Solutions ELMS Electric Last Mile Solutions PL Planet Labs PBC WORK Slack Technologies ZIXI Zix AYX Alteryx ALIT Alight PLTR Palantir Technologies  PRGS Progress Software SOUN SoundHound AI SNOW Snowflake ZM Zoom Video Communications

Analyst name


Current price target

Potential Upside

Previous price target


Price targets met ratio

Average potential upside

Average Time (Days) For PT To Be Met

Performance score



$56.73 (25.99%)


6 days ago

108/110 (98.18%)

$62.31 (29.30%)





$106.73 (48.90%)


10 days ago

136/145 (93.79%)

$111.51 (52.23%)





$33.73 (15.45%)


12 days ago

25/33 (75.76%)

$35.02 (16.14%)





$41.73 (19.12%)


1 months 21 days ago

46/55 (83.64%)

$24.26 (10.29%)





$56.73 (25.99%)


1 months 21 days ago

9/10 (90%)

$39.26 (16.65%)



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Which stock is Daniel Ives is most bullish on?

Potential upside of $301.29 has been obtained for TSLA (TESLA)

Which stock is Daniel Ives is most reserved on?

Potential downside of -$26.76 has been obtained for CYBR (CYBERARK SOFTWARE LTD)

What Year was the first public recommendation made by Daniel Ives?

On 2008

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