Currently out of the existing stock ratings of Eric Joseph, 106 are a BUY (55.5%), 68 are a HOLD (35.6%), 17 are a SELL (8.9%).

Eric Joseph

Work Performance Price Targets & Ratings Chart

Analyst Eric Joseph, currently employed at JPMORGAN, carries an average stock price target met ratio of 62.11% that have a potential upside of 46.02% achieved within 141 days.

Eric Joseph’s has documented 369 price targets and ratings displayed on 43 stocks. The coverage is on Healthcare, Basic Materials sectors.

Most recent stock forecast was given on PTCT, PTC Therapeutics at 28-Feb-2025.

Wall Street Analyst Eric Joseph

Analyst best performing recommendations are on MNTA (MOMENTA PHARMACEUTICALS).
The best stock recommendation documented was for MNTA (MOMENTA PHARMACEUTICALS) at 1/14/2020. The price target of $30 was fulfilled within 2 days with a profit of $4.64 (18.3%) receiving and performance score of 91.48.

Average potential price target upside

AKBA Akebia Ther ALGS Aligos Therapeutics  AUTL Autolus Therapeutics Ltd AVIR Atea Pharmaceuticals  BDTX Black Diamond Therapeutics BEAM Beam Therapeutics  ENTA Enanta Pharmaceuticals FPRX Five Prime Therapeutics KPTI Karyopharm Therapeutics MNTA Momenta Pharmaceuticals MYOV Myovant Sciences Ltd NRIX Nurix Therapeutics  NVAX Novavax OBSV ObsEva SA OMER Omeros PTCT PTC Therapeutics RLAY Relay Therapeutics  RCKT Rocket Pharmaceuticals HGEN Humanigen IRWD Ironwood Pharmaceuticals TERN Terns Pharmaceuticals XLRN Acceleron Pharma CCCC C4 Therapeutics  SRZN Surrozen DTIL Precision BioSciences FRLN Freeline Therapeutics Holdings Plc IGMS IGM Biosciences OPK Opko Health PLRX Pliant Therapeutics  RVMD Revolution Medicines BMEA Biomea Fusion KYMR Kymera Therapeutics MRTX Mirati Ther GLUE Monte Rosa Therapeutics TGTX TG Therapeutics VIR Vir Biotechnology AKRO Akero Therapeutics IPSC Century Therapeutics LTHM Livent Corp RXRX Recursion Pharmaceuticals BLUE Bluebird bio VERV Verve Therapeutics WVE Wave Life Sciences Ltd

Analyst name


Current price target

Potential Upside

Previous price target


Price targets met ratio

Average potential upside

Average Time (Days) For PT To Be Met

Performance score



$5.65 (305.41%)


1 months 8 days ago

12/27 (44.44%)

$5.11 (213.81%)




$2.15 (116.22%)


1 years 9 months ago

1/12 (8.33%)

$2.96 (284.62%)




$-1.14 (-53.27%)


2 years 11 months 2 days ago

1/2 (50%)

$0.33 (49.25%)




2 years 11 months ago

0/3 (0%)

$3.28 (120.59%)



$0.15 (8.11%)


2 years 11 months ago

3/11 (27.27%)

$1.28 (177.78%)


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Which stock is Eric Joseph is most bullish on?

Potential upside of $30.26 has been obtained for RVMD (REVOLUTION MEDICINES)

Which stock is Eric Joseph is most reserved on?

Potential downside of -$0 has been obtained for PLRX (PLIANT THERAPEUTICS )

What Year was the first public recommendation made by Eric Joseph?

On 2014

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