Gena Wang analyst BARCLAYS

Currently out of the existing stock ratings of Gena Wang, 198 are a BUY (68.75%), 62 are a HOLD (21.53%), 28 are a SELL (9.72%).

Gena Wang

Work Performance Price Targets & Ratings Chart

Analyst Gena Wang, currently employed at BARCLAYS, carries an average stock price target met ratio of 61.75% that have a potential upside of 24.66% achieved within 165 days.

Gena Wang’s has documented 567 price targets and ratings displayed on 43 stocks. The coverage is on Healthcare, Energy, Technology sectors.

Most recent stock forecast was given on MRNA, Moderna at 18-Feb-2025.

Wall Street Analyst Gena Wang

Analyst best performing recommendations are on SMCI (SUPER MICRO COMPUTER).
The best stock recommendation documented was for SMCI (SUPER MICRO COMPUTER) at 2/13/2024. The price target of $961 was fulfilled within 2 days with a profit of $169.51 (21.42%) receiving and performance score of 107.08.

Average potential price target upside

ALNY Alnylam Pharmaceuticals ARCT Arcturus Therapeutics Holdings AVRO AVROBIO BCRX BioCryst Pharmaceuticals BEAM Beam Therapeutics  BLUE Bluebird bio CLVS Clovis Oncology CRSP Crispr Therapeutics AG DBTX Decibel Therapeutics EDIT Editas Medicine IONS Ionis Pharmaceuticals KOD Kodiak Sciences LOGC LogicBio Therapeutics NTLA Intellia Therapeutics PBYI Puma Biotechnology PGNX Progenics Pharmaceuticals PTCT PTC Therapeutics RARE Ultragenyx RGNX Regenxbio SGEN Seagen SGMO Sangamo Therapeutics SGTX Sigilon Therapeutics  SLDB Solid Biosciences LLC SRPT Sarepta Therapeutics VIR Vir Biotechnology BMRN Biomarin Pharmaceutical ONCE Spark Therapeutics VRTX Vertex Pharmaceuticals CLLS Cellectis SA MGTX MeiraGTx Holdings PLC MRNA Moderna ORTX Orchard Therapeutics PLC ZYME Zymeworks Common Stock IDRA Idera Pharmaceuticals LEGN Legend Biotech Corp ABEO Abeona Therapeutics DTIL Precision BioSciences HALO Halozyme Therapeutics MRTX Mirati Ther RTRX Travere Therapeutics SUN Sunoco LP JBL Jabil Circuit SMCI Super Micro Computer

Analyst name


Current price target

Potential Upside

Previous price target


Price targets met ratio

Average potential upside

Average Time (Days) For PT To Be Met

Performance score



$73.25 (29.69%)


5 days ago

12/18 (66.67%)

$76.14 (31.22%)




$63.25 (25.63%)


5 days ago

18/22 (81.82%)

$66.14 (27.12%)




$53.25 (21.58%)


5 days ago

8/10 (80%)

$56.14 (23.02%)




$253.25 (102.63%)


6 days ago

1/24 (4.17%)

$254.8 (103.92%)




$138.25 (56.03%)


13 days ago

4/9 (44.44%)

$135 (54.00%)


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Which stock is Gena Wang is most bullish on?

Potential upside of $82.25 has been obtained for ALNY (ALNYLAM PHARMACEUTICALS)

Which stock is Gena Wang is most reserved on?

Potential downside of -$12.79 has been obtained for VRTX (VERTEX PHARMACEUTICALS)

What Year was the first public recommendation made by Gena Wang?

On 2015

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